About Me

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I am a first-time Mum to daughter, Lily, born December 2010 and am currently home on maternity leave. Also living in the Zoo with Lily and me is my partner Kai, the Jessie-dog and the Tippy-cat

Friday, 29 April 2011

Feeding Time at the Zoo!

Apple, yes!
Banana, yes!
Sweet potato, yes!
Avacado, yes!

I met the girls for coffee yesterday, and Lily, being the oldest of the babies in my baby group, is leading the weaning way. I was all geared up to feed her in her pushchair while we all sat out in the gorgous sunny weather enjoying our drinks alfresco.  After 2 weeks of feeding her in the high chair, I figured we had progressed far enough to be able to handle this.... Well maybe not!

I had just said to the girls that she had been eating really well and that Lily seemed to like everything I had put in front of her.  Fruit mixed with baby rice, veg mixed with baby rice, frozen home-made ice-cube sized meals mixed with baby rice, or lovely Ella's (other brands are available) packets, it didnt seem to matter.  She ate it all! Brag, brag, brag.

That was until I needed her to be presentable in public.  Whether it was actaully the fact that she didn't like the squash and sweet potato packet (the squash part was the new addition), or just being pissed off that she was having mush while I gobbled down a triple chococate Costa coffee muffin right in front of her, I'm not sure, but she sure made a scene.  The glop went in.  The glop came out. Then her whole face, from the cavernous folds under her chin, to the big shiny expanse of her forehead, wrinkled up, and without words, she made it clear to me and everyone else at our table.... Lily was unimpressed!!!!

Thankfully her 4 other little friends were too busy sleeping or doing other well behaved baby things, that I dont think they noticed... this time.  I don't think Lily has been branded a little shit disturber just yet.  But I can see it coming.  I am already looking for tables that I can crawl under to hide in embarassment, when my first Mummy friend says to me, 'Your Lily taught my _________ (fill in the blank with child's name) to do _________ (fill in blank with any naughty behaviour).  The day will come, I'm sure.  And until my sister-in-law comes home from the Middle East with my darling 3 year old neice, I have no one else to blame Lily's mischievious ways on.... (so please hurry home Cruize)

Ok, so she hasn't encouraged her friends to drink out of the toilet or eat the dog food.  She hasn't told them to 'pull my finger', or made them repeat 'I was born on a pirate ship' with stretched mouths.  She hasn't even thrown her food on the floor and laughed, insiting a food-fight riot.... But, I'm not stupid, these days are coming. Afterall, she is her father's daughter!  In this department, afterall, she couldn't possibly take after me.


  1. HAHA!!! I guess that is what happens when you're a bit to cocky!!! love it! Don't worry, John will teach her lots of bad things at Christmas...

  2. I have Nominated you for a Kreative blog award so pop over to mine to see what to do x

  3. Its always the way. They can sing every line of a nursery rhyme but of course when you ask them to sing it for someone, no chance.
